

12 New Performance Max Updates

12 New Performance Max Updates

12 New Performance Max Updates

Google recently hosted its latest Performance Max Conference live event and there were a lot of key pMax updates to note. Feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

Don’t fret! We’ve compiled a list of exactly what you need to know to get you up to speed.

Performance Max updates.

Re-engagement goals

You can now let the algorithm optimise for disengaged customers. This is ideal for brands that have a specific focus on retaining current customers and re-engaging previous customers. Re-engagement Goals use customer lists to predict inactive users so making sure you have high-value first-party data is important.

Page feeds

You will soon have the ability to target specific landing pages with the built-in DSA functionality, rather than only having the option to target all pages. You will be able to control this through the ‘Final URL Expansion’ feature.

Account-level negatives

Great news for brand safety, as you can now exclude specific search terms across all your campaigns.

New customer lifecycle goals

You can now let Smart Bidding optimise for high-value customers, instead of just any new/existing customer.

More Smart Bidding optimises

You can now let Smart Bidding optimise for in-store sales.

Campaign-level brand exclusions

You are now able to exclude branded search terms from pMax campaigns, excluding them from all Search+ Shopping placements.

Create assets with Generative AI tools

Google are releasing new AI tools to Performance Max, which allow you to create assets inside of Google Ads. By entering your website, Google AI will begin learning your brand. The generative AI tool will then provide new images, text and other relevant and personalised assets to help your business stand out.

Google Ads Performance Max campaign.

Performance Max experiments

You can now A/B test pMax campaigns.

Integrated recommendations during campaign setup

By just entering your URL and some basic information about your products/brands, Google can now create a complete campaign outline for you.

Better search term insights

You now have the ability to export search term insights (for custom date ranges, not just last 7/28 days) and access them through the updated API.

Improved Merchant Centre integration inside of Google Ads

Soon, you’ll be able to see product insights and diagnostics next to your data, with deep links to Merchant Centre, making it easier to optimise products that need your attention.

Conversion lift studies

You’ll now be able to better understand how many conversions of your pMax campaigns were incremental.

We hope this list helped with that overwhelming feeling and brought you to speed with the newest pMax updates. Interested in how these latest updates could improve your business? We’d love to chat. Get in touch today and let us help you.

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