

How To Collect Email Personalisation Data Effectively

How To Collect Email Personalisation Data Effectively

How To Collect Email Personalisation Data Effectively

Building brand loyalty with your subscriber base is key to increasing conversions, referrals and revenue. Consumers want messages that address their interests and needs; meaning email personalisation is the simplest, yet most effective, way to develop your relationship with your subscribers.

Email personalisation template.

Building an email personalisation strategy to collect customer data

Creating an email personalisation strategy to collect customer data is the first step to beginning your email personalisation journey. 

Sign Up Forms

Sign-up forms are great tools to collect detailed data such as first name, birthday and interests. Utilising these data fields are a brilliant way to target your subscribers with services or promotions tailored to their interests. 

Another step you can take is directly asking what your customer wants to hear from you about. Simply asking what they are interested in can segment your subscribers into more specific categories. Allowing you to implement highly effective personalisation within your email campaigns and flows and improve your engagement rate.


How subscribers interact with your website, and the types of services or products they engage with, can be an invaluable means for further segmentation. Key insights include (but are not limited to) purchase history, order frequency, and average order value (to name a few). By targeting each segment with content featuring products they have previously demonstrated an interest in will ultimately will lead to higher click and conversion rates.


Segmenting your subscribers by the source in which they signed up will help you distinguish the type of customer they are and how they interact with your website. This is another tool you can use to improve how you target different subscribers, and tailor the type of messaging you use.

Why should you leverage personalisation within subject lines

Subject lines are the doorway to enticing your subscribers to open your emails and using your segment data is key to understanding how your customer will likely respond. 

By including first names, birthdays, and interests within your subject lines you will see an improvement in your open rate as customers will be able to see the content is relevant and interesting to them.

Overall, personalisation in Email Marketing is a great tool to increase your conversion rate, referrals and revenue while building an engaged and loyal subscriber base. 

If you are looking to develop your brand with email marketing, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re a Newcastle digital marketing agency with a talented team of experts ready to help your business grow.

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