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The Benefits Of List Cleaning In Email Marketing

The Benefits Of List Cleaning In Email Marketing

The Benefits Of List Cleaning In Email Marketing

List cleaning is essential in email marketing to ensure your emails have good deliverability and arrive in your subscriber’s inbox. Ensuring you send relevant content to your most engaged and loyal subscriber base improves your sender reputation, customer engagement and costs.

List cleaning benefits in email marketing.

Improve Sender Reputation

Email service providers (ESP) such as Google, Outlook, Apple Mail and Yahoo track how your subscribers interact with your content, analysing factors such as open rate, click rate, marked as spam, unsubscribes and bounces. ESPs then use the information collected to determine if your emails arrive in your subscriber’s inbox. 

By list cleaning regularly, you can maintain a healthy email marketing list by removing unengaged recipients, therefore improving your sender reputation and overall deliverability rate and reducing instances of your content being marked as spam.

List cleaning is a brilliant way to reduce your unsubscribe rates; a high unsubscribe rate can negatively affect your deliverability. Removing these subscribers will improve your sender reputation and list health. Therefore, ensuring your content is landing in your subscriber’s inbox.

Retaining Customer Engagement

Analysing at which stage your subscribers became unengaged can help you tailor your content to keep your engagement rate high. For example, A/B testing subject lines with different phrases, questions or emojis can help you determine what type of subject line intrigues your subscriber to open your email. By cleaning your list to remove your unengaged subscribers, you can acquire accurate and relevant results. Therefore, sending content that intrigues their interests can increase open, click and conversion rates.

Reduce Costing

Email marketing platforms such as Klaviyo and MailChimp use the number of subscribers on your list to determine their pricing structure. In a nutshell, sending to unengaged subscribers is unnecessary as you are paying for subscribers who aren’t interested in or engage with your content. By cleaning your list regularly to suppress unengaged subscribers, you can reduce your email marketing cost and apply those savings to another budget. 

Ultimately, when employed effectively cleaning your list regularly can improve your open and click rates, sender reputation, customer engagement, costs and unsubscribe rates. 

Do you want to enhance your engagement with your email marketing strategy? Reach out to our Newcastle digital marketing agency. We have a team of experts ready and waiting to help you take your email marketing to the next level.

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