

Useful Updates Coming To Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Useful Updates Coming To Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Useful Updates Coming To Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Recently, Meta announced a host of new features set to arrive for Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns in the coming weeks. These features are sure to make ASC even more useful, especially as we enter the busiest time of year for businesses.

Meta Advantage+ shopping campaign.

Ad Level Scheduling 

Make ad scheduling in ASC a breeze with the new ability to schedule at the ad level. Have ads go live and switch off at peak times without the need for additional manual input. With so many seasonal events packed into the next couple of months, being able to have the right ads live at the right times is sure to help everything run smoothly. 

Budget Scheduling 

A new feature that allows you to schedule budget spikes on specific days while still using a daily budget, increasing by percentage or specific amount. This will allow you to make the most of promotional days throughout the holiday season. However, Meta does warn, “if you update the scheduled budget during the day it is delivering, it will behave like daily budget edits, so you’ll need to still factor in the caveats.”

Value Optimization

If ROAS is your top KPI, you’ll be excited to hear that ASC will be able to optimise ad delivery for driving the strongest return on ad spend, rather than only focusing on lowest cost per purchase. This is especially useful for businesses with product catalogues featuring a larger price spectrum. 

Cost Per Result & ROAS Goal: With ad space competition at its highest over the festive season, you will be able achieve more control over your budgets with the ability to set bidding constraints (CPA goal or ROAS goal) in ASC. This should open some new avenues for different strategies to make the most out of ASC. 

Custom Events: You’ll soon be able to optimise for custom events in ASC, in addition to standard events. Tailor to a wider variety of business goals by optimising for actions such as downloads and sign-ups. 

Creative Asset Enhancements: Leverage the power of AI to automatically enhance your ad’s content inside ASC! This will also see new features come into play, such as Facebook’s cash rewards program where users can receive cash rewards by purchasing from an ad on Facebook

Advantage Shopping Campaigns.

These new features that expand the utility of Advantage Shopping Campaigns will provide even more flexibility to marketers wanting to implement them alongside manual campaigns. 

Interested in optimising your ad delivery and retaining a strong return on ad spend? We want to help, just let us know how. Get in touch with us today, we’d love to chat.

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